
"Diaries" and "The Development of Aesthetic Thought in Latvia"

Milda Palēviča's diary entries cover the period from 1911 to 1972, while her essay "The Development of Aesthetic Thought in Latvia" was written in 1960. Both texts are being published for the first time.

Milda Palēviča. Dienasgrāmatas. Estētiskās domas attīstība Latvijā. Neputns

Milda Palēviča. Dienasgrāmatas-Neputns

Milda Palēviča (1889–1972) was the first graduate doctor of philosophy, a pioneer of aesthetics as an academic discipline in Latvia, and a representative of liberal feminism. She received her doctorate in philosophy from the Sorbonne University in Paris (1925), and taught at the Latvian Conservatoire and the Art Academy. However, for various reasons, her place in the history of ideas has not been marked, nor has there been any recognition of her achievements.

Milda Palēviča. Dienasgrāmatas-Neputns

"Diaries" of Milda Palēviča, the daughter of the prominent educator Indriķis Palēvičs, which she wrote throughout her life, testifies to the arduous journey of a determined, talented woman towards the knowledge she sought, without shying away from the often dramatic challenges of her personal and professional life.